blue squirrel

after a self-imposed 20 year absence from cycling, the sport i love, i am back and dedicated to holding my own in the superfast 40+ catagory. this blog will tell the journey, the highs and the lows, the team [team becher+] and it's cast of characters, our sponsors, supporters, and other local riders that make it happen... [anonymous comments are lame, cowboy up and put a name or start a blog]

Friday, December 18, 2009


the weather has been great in socal the past week after the frigid temps during our fist true winter storm last week. everyone has been out training and exchanging quality banter.

greg update:
so greg wants to stay under the radar, but as an active team member he is to report training for all. he actually has an aversion to typing and sharing, being the man's man that he is. i will simply say that all the youngsters on the team had better step up and deliver as greg 'hard man' works long hours and usually is up by 4:30 - 5am each day. yet he still finds time to do 3 hours of training a day, and most days does 2 workouts. his cross training and core workouts are legendary. it will be sad if a 53 year old with bad knees, puts the rest of the team to shame. so if you are reading this, you had better be sitting on your saddle training or in between core workouts. because greg is. greg, your one of the teams inspirations and core medal.

[from blue and red blog]

michael and wes on the backside of GMR [?]

greg and i doing our civic duty and stopping at a red light during some afternoon LSD in the wind

these rouleur legs never run... from doing the work.

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