French anti-doping agency links Floyd Landis to recent hack attack
Chatanay-Marlboroy officials announced today they had solved the mystery surrounding how their server security was breeched, resulting in several emails being sent out to various sport governing bodies this past weekend. One representative allegedly stated, "Clearly there was violation in the rules. Someone broke our security, and this is shocking. We believe we have sufficient evidence that includes a receipt from a gas station in the U.S. near the city of Long Beach, California, not far from where Floyd resides. Furthermore, a University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) library card was reported missing that same day. We're also pretty sure a library computer from this same campus was used to access a personal hotmail account around the time the emails were sent from our server. Based on this, it is clear that Mr. Landis, or someone very close to him, purchased petrol that evening, drove to the UCLA grounds, infiltrated their network, and used their computer to mount an attack on our laboratory. It's shameful."
However, it is reported that the official mentioned that the previous Friday, there was a surprise birthday party for a colleague and someone forgot to lock the office over the weekend. Nevertheless, lab officials also pointed out that Mr. Landis has simply not been nice in his defense, nor has he played fair. "For his defense, M. Landis uses all the legal means that he wants. If he reveals that the laboratory made errors - formal, or substantial - it would be good if we were officially informed so that we could respond, on the form or on the substance (of the accusations). Normally we respond to a polite request, or even a stern memo. I prefer sticky pads myself, I'm sure we received one. I'd have to ask my secretary to be sure though.
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