[looking good in the blues]
well the week or so since i have returned from my below sea level dutch / flemish / swedish holiday have been super busy. i got in a great ride with tim, well not so great as he got 6 flats [yes he was NOT riding conti's tires or tubes and took all of my patches], but it was great to get out and suffer [wow, 15 days off the bike sucks] up the san diego east county climbs. tim has an eloquent summery of the ride and his flats at MASIGUY.

[heading home after all the flats, hence the smiles]
now on to the latest additon to the club, our first junior rider, casey debold. a lean, mean, soon to be arizona state champ [not like tim...] in his age group. MASI set him up with an awesome team race bike and i had the privledge to deliver it to him. after setting it up and getting the fist go at sizing it, we head out for his first ride in proper cycling shoes and pedals [speedplay]. the next day was a little different and very reminiscent of tim's and mines ride the previous weekend. i hear a all to familiar bang behind me and see casey pull over and we are about to fix his first flat. the combination of simano rims, vittoria tires did not make for a clean, fast and simple tire change. after 3 tubes and a few patches and all of our c02, we had to call for the support vehicle to come pick casey up [as i continued on my conti riding way for the rest of the planed ride]. we then spent the rest of the afternoon buy and installing some conti gator skins on his almost impossible to re-tire shimano rims. latest report, no flats, hum imagine that.

[casey after our fist ride]

[casey looking good]
ok off to interbike... late at night of course, i will try and update tomorrow and friday with some cool new stuff.
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